Who will handle your claims?
The New Jersey Regional Claim Office will handle your Maryland claims, located at:
305 Madison Ave.
P.O. Box 1973
Morristown, NJ 07962
Phone: (888) 890-1500
Jeff Van Dyk, Assistant Vice President
How to Report Workers’ Compensation Claims?
To report via the Internet: Log on to the Crum & Forster website at https://cfconnect.cfins.com. Use your assigned User ID and Password. If you do not have a current User ID, please contact your local Crum & Forster Claims or Marketing resource.
To report e-mail: crumandforsternol@cfins.com
To report via fax: 1-877-622-6218
To report claims via telephone: 1-800-690-5520
(7 day/24 hour toll free reporting line for all states)
What forms and pamphlets does the employer need to be aware of?
Employer’s First Report of Injury & Wage Statement
If you report the claim via the Internet or by telephone, you do not need to fill out this form. If you report the claim via fax, complete this form, and fax it to Crum&Forster at the fax number provided above.
How does an employee file a claim?
An employee has the responsibility of filing an Employee’s Claim with the Workers’ Compensation Commission. These forms are available free of cost from the Commission and the employer shall have them available for their employees at all times. The Employee Claim Form is also available on-line.
What is the Waiting Period for Lost Wages in Maryland?
The waiting period is 3 days. If the employee is off for more than 14 days, the first 3 days are paid retroactively.
What are the Choice of Physician Rules in Maryland?
Provider Selection
The employee can choose a treating provider.
Managed Care Options
Employers/insurers may provide managed care services that do not interfere with the employee’s choice of physician.
Provider Lists
Crum & Forster has a PPO network available. Follow the instructions below to access the PPO Network:
Logon to the website at: https://www-sf.talispoint.com/conduent/cfi/
Where should all medical bills be sent?
Crum & Forster
PO Box 14801
Lexington, KY 40512
Important Websites
Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission: http://www.wcc.state.md.us
Multi-State Information: http://www.workerscompensation.com/